SanaPharma Lunixen - 28 tablets

  • 34.99 USD
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Lunixen is an over-the-counter medicine that improves sleep quality and sleep duration. Lunixen contains 500 mg of Valeriana officinalis L., which has a clinically documented effect on sleep problems such as restless sleep and night awakenings. Lunixen is taken daily for 2-4 weeks for optimal effect. For adults and children over 12 years.

Improves sleep quality

Prevents sleep interruptions

No dependency reported

What is insomnia?
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. Insomnia means a perceived insufficient night's sleep, which leads to a reduction in the individual's well-being and functional capacity. Daytime symptoms may include fatigue, lack of energy, irritability and/or impaired concentration and memory. Insomnia affects both sleep duration and sleep quality and is characterized by:

Extended sleep time
Interrupted sleep
Waking up too early in the morning1
Lunixen contains Valeriana officinalis L., which has a clinically documented effect on both sleep duration and sleep quality, and can thus help with all the sleep problems listed above.2

Treat sleep disorders with Lunixen
Lunixen is an over-the-counter, herbal medicine for sleep problems. The active substance in the medicine has been shown to improve both sleep quality and sleep duration. That way, it will be easier to sleep well throughout the night. Lunixen counteracts night awakenings and waking up too early in the morning. Used daily for 2-4 weeks for optimal effect. For adults and children over 12 years of age.2

Recommended dose for adults and children over 12 years of age:

For sleep disorders: 1 tablet ½-1 hour before bedtime. If necessary, take 1 tablet earlier in the evening.

For mild anxiety: 1 tablet no more than 3 times daily.

Maximum daily dose is 4 tablets per day.

The tablet should be swallowed whole with a little water. Do not chew.

This medicine should be taken regularly for 2-4 weeks to achieve the best effect.

No dependency reported
Sleep problems are among the 5 most common reasons for visiting a doctor in Sweden, and patients often receive prescription treatment for their problems.3 In many cases, however, an over-the-counter drug such as Lunixen would be sufficient. There is no addiction reported when using Lunixen.2

Approved by the Swedish Medicines Agency
The Swedish Medicines Agency reviews applications and approves medicines if they meet all the requirements set for a medicine in Sweden. A basic requirement for a medicine is that the benefit of using it outweighs any risks. There must be a clear benefit, for example to cure or prevent a disease. Lunixen is approved by the Swedish Medicines Agency as a well-established herbal medicine. Lunixen can only be bought in pharmacies.

Medicines: read package leaflet before use.2