Salicylic acid in Locobase cream APL, cream 2% - 200 gr

  • 145.99 USD
In Stock.

Cream that softens and loosens the stratum corneum of the skin. The cream base has softening and protective properties and can be washed off with water.

For the removal of scales and crusts in e.g. psoriasis and hyperkeratoses.

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or to any excipient.

The cream contains cetostearyl alcohol which can cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis) and methyl parahydroxybenzoate (metagin, E 218) which can cause an allergic reaction (possibly delayed).

Frequent application of salicylic acid over widespread areas of damaged skin can cause so-called salicylicism. Symptoms of mild salicylism are dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, flushing and hyperventilation. Young children are particularly sensitive and great care must be taken when treating infants.

Interactions: Salicylic acid externally reduces the effect of UV treatment and should therefore not be used in combination.

Pregnancy: Category A No known contraindications during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding: Group IVa Risk of impact on the child seems unlikely.

100 g of cream contains:
Salicylic acid 2 g
Auxiliary substances
Locobase® cream contains:
Cetostearyl alcohol
Cetomacrogol 1000
Liquid paraffin
White Vaseline
Anhydrous citric acid
Sodium citrate
Purified water
Locobase® cream is preserved with 0.2% metagin (methyl parahydroxybenzoate, E 218).
Emulsion type: o/w
Fat content: approx. 60%